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Civic Engagement: Ways You Can Help

Civic Engagement:
Ways You Can Help



- We don't recommend requesting an absentee ballot at this point, if you haven't already. If you already have, you can check the status of your request at: www.mvp.sos.ga.gov
- When you get it, sign like you do your voter ID, and mark your ovals completely in, with no stray marks. If you make a mistake, you can request a new one, but it’s probably best to turn it over as “spoiled” and vote in person (see below).
- Return your completed ballot. Most reliable method: ballot drop box by *Election Day, Nov. 3*. Locations here: https://cutt.ly/GAdropboxes. You can also mail as instructed on your ballot, but USPS recommends doing so *at least a week (Oct. 27) before Election Day to ensure receipt. You can check status at SOS MVP page.

2. VOTE EARLY! Weekdays and some weekends, through Oct. 30, check exact times/locations at www.mvp.sos.ga.gov
- Early voting *does not* take place Oct 31-Nov 1.
- Remember to *bring photo ID*: http://voteriders.org/georgia. If you just moved, bring a bank statement, etc. with your new address. If you don’t bring ID, you can vote provisionally, but you’ll still have to show ID within 3 days.
- You can vote early even if you requested an absentee ballot – but, if you have it, bring your absentee ballot to the polls to surrender it.
- You can bring someone to assist you with disability and/or language needs, and you can request to vote on a paper ballot if you prefer. However you vote, make sure you double-check your entries.
- During early voting, voters who are elderly or 75+ have the right to go to the front of the line all day long.

3. VOTE TUESDAY, NOV 3, from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. *at your assigned precinct*; see www.mvp.sos.ga.gov
- Reconfirm your assigned precinct the day of voting, at the MVP page.
- Remember to *bring photo ID.*
- You can vote on Election Day even if you requested an absentee ballot, and you can bring someone to assist you and/or vote by paper at the polls
- If you’re still *in line* by 7:00 p.m., you have a right to vote!
- On Election Day, voters who are disabled or 75+ have the right to go to the front of the line between 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

- We recommend voting *YES* on the 3 statewide measures: sovereign immunity, fees/taxes, & charities. More info: https://bit.ly/3dtwqy5

- Call the Georgia Voter Protection Hotline, 1-888-730-5816, available in English, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

Marvin Lim